Action and Vision

I’ve been listening to a book about reverse engineering on my ride down to Dallas (Decoding Greatness by Ron Friedman) The second half of the book is about what to do once you have analyzed something and then created a vision with your own personal twist to things. (Never a good idea to just copy).

One of the concepts is the gap that always exists between ACTION (where you are right now) and VISION (where you want to be).

The driving force that helps you bridge the gap is your TASTE. Not taste in terms of what you like, but your taste for that vision. To be concise, the driving force in you that knows that something can be better.

The challenge is that most folks with a drive for excellence often give up in the early stages because they perceive that their current action is not where they want to be.

The trick is to reframe that early frustration and take positive energy from your taste. The fact that you are not content is a positive sign of that taste.

In this video, where I am running is the present ACTION. The spaces between the paving stones are each step along the way. When it is hard to get out of bed in the morning and go for a row/row, I just worry about the next step, the next paving stone.

The VISION is the top of the screen. It will always be there. Enjoy each paving stone along the way. The fact you are not content sometimes is evidence that you are on your way.

I wish you the best in whatever you are trying to accomplish. Be that a program, book, app, fitness goal or developing relationships with others.

One paving stone at a time…

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